I came across a post on Instagram that put words to an experience so many of us might be feeling. Lisa Olivera, an author and therapist, shared “There is so much to grieve. And there is so much to love. There is so much work to do. And there is so much to hope for. There is so much to be angry about. And there is so much to be proud of. There is so much to fear. And there is so much to trust. There is so much othering. And there is so much belonging. There is so much hatred. And there is so much connection. There is so much confusion. And there is so much clarity. There is so much apathy. And there is so much deep care. There is so much. There is so much. There is so much.”
There is so much going on in the world right now and it can feel so heavy. If you feel impacted by the chaos please know you are not alone, and only means you are human and paying attention. Sometimes the most loving thing we can do for ourselves is to slow down and come back to the basics. Creating a practice that involves tending to ourselves first can offer support and stability during unstable times. Here are a few ideas to reference when approaching the practice of going back to the basics.
1. Rest. One of the most radical things you can do is rest in a culture that glorifies busy-ness. When we allow and prioritize our rest, we can expand the capacity to be more regulated, more present, and more connected to ourselves. There is no right or wrong way to rest. Perhaps you try starting small. Starting even 1 minute a day, practice bringing awareness to your immediate environment. What do you see, feel, smell, taste, hear? If this practice feels calming, maybe try coming back to it as often as feels good during your day. You deserve rest. A book that has been transformative to my relationship with rest is Permission to Rest by Ashley Neese. It is a great tool to reimagining rest and cultivating more of it in your life.
2. Nourishment. It can be challenging to find time to eat enough as we navigate the demands placed upon us each day. It can be even more challenging when we are stressed and overwhelmed. Creating time to nourish ourselves through the day is important so that we have energy to participate in the things we value and care about.
3. Community. During times of chaos sometimes the only thing that soothes is the reminder that we are not in this alone. Leaning on your community and having a safe space to share your feelings can allow for connection, collaboration and deep care. Sometimes the relief of knowing you are not alone in how you feel, what you experience, and the heaviness of what you are holding is enough to reimagine hope in difficult times.
4. Movement. Different things feel good for different bodies and there is no right or wrong way to incorporate more movement in your routine. Maybe it looks like taking a break during the day to sit outside and get some fresh air. Or perhaps it looks like reengaging with a yoga practice that has felt supportive in the past. During times of chaos sometimes it can feel good to release all we might be carrying by getting out of our heads and moving our bodies.
As always, we are here if you’d like some extra support. Call 480-815-3211 or email info@findyourshinetherapy.com to schedule a free, 10-minute phone consultation with one of
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